Sieben Live Stock derives its income from a cow/calf, yearling and stocker cattle operation. In addition, we selectively harvest timber for forest improvement, and we provide significant public hunting and some guided hunting.  Ranch business supports itself, allowing us to reinvest in ranch infrastructure.

The Hibbard family Constitution states: “We are stewards first, owners second.  Stewardship implies a nurturing of the asset for a purpose greater than the individuals who have control of the asset.  Owners have a responsibility to add value to the land for the sake of the land.  In this sense, the ranch lays as much claim to us as we do to it.”

In 2008 Sieben Live Stock donated a conservation easement to preserve in perpetuity a vast acreage in the core of the ranch.


We balance land stewardship with business and a positive work environment, placing high value on the crew who devote their lives to make our ranch be the success it is.